Thursday, December 11, 2014

Goodbye Belize

We had such a great time in Service in Belize
So much fun hanging with the family, and experiencing their new life. It was wonderful. We will miss them!

Doing the Invitation work for regional convention, English & Spanish

The little sister on the right was too shy to work w us in the beginning of the morning. But by the end we were friends.

Crazy Uncle Dan took us on a rainy day to a village called Monkey River! 

We had to drive 1 hour on the hwy, 1 hour on a mud clay road, and wait an hour in the rain for a boat to ferry us across the river to the village. But we placed lots of mags, tracts, and showed Caleb videos to the local kids!

Where the sign language group meets! Darin and I were asked to help interpret the Kriol talk and Wt study!

Morgan & Jaden are so big now! Such good kids! 

Grampa gave a little speech after family dinner about how proud he and Grama are of their family that has 40active publishes, 16 in full time service and a whole bunch of elders! It was so nice!

Costa Rica, Nica

Costa Rica Playa Danta

KH in San Juan Nicaragua 

Making new friends in Nica. One of the sisters serves in the English congregation in San Juan where we visited 2 years ago. The others serve in an English group in Costa Rica

Paddle Boarding in Costa Rica