Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Meeting Note

Circuit Pioneer Meeting and Assembly

All but two of our current pioneer group in our cong.

Youngsters of the SM ASL cong

Our Nica daughter... heehee

Yes you'll notice AJ has her ears all plugged up. Why? Well during the assembly we all wore those ear plugs. It helps us because it forces us to sign more since we cant hear those talking with their voices and cant hear ourselves either. Also during the assmebly its so quiet that any sound can be very distracting. So it helps us to pay attention!

Wow we had such a beautiful pioneer meeting and assembly last weekend. It strengthened our resolve to continue pioneering and stay in the ASL Field where we have been assigned. Here are a few pics of our weekend.

Circuit Assembly Norco ASL

So funny, half our cong was wearing orange on Sun. One bright group